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10 Foods High in Water to Feed Your Kids?

Do you have trouble getting your kids and toddlers to drink plain water? If yes, please consider serving them more foods and ingredients that are water-rich. 

All vegetables and fruits are a great source of nutrients, such as water, and here are some fantastic snack suggestions that will get your kids and babies’ mouths watering, literally.

  • Watermelon is 92% water
  • Orange is 87% water
  • Cucumber is 95% water
  • Bell Pepper is 92% water
  • Cauliflower is 92% water
  • Strawberry is 91% water
  • Grapefruit is 86% water
  • Peach is 89% water
  • Apple is 86% water
  • Celery is 95% water

Your babies will love these water-rich snacks ! Never forget, be a water role model for your baby.

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