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10 Fillers for Ground Meat

You can boost fiber, cut fat, save some money and extend the number of servings by padding and bulking up ground meat. Just don’t add too much filler. Your patties, meatballs, and meatloaves will either fall apart or become rubbery.

1. Egg

Add an egg, 2 tablespoons (25ml) ketchup, and ½ tsp (2 ml) salt.

2. Quick Cooking Oats

Use up to one part of oats per 8 parts of meat for the best texture.

3. Whole-grain Bread Crumbs

Fresh, whole-grain bread crumbs. Use one part of crumbs per 4 parts of meat.

4. Corn Flakes

Lightly crumbled corn flakes. For bouncy meatballs, allot 2 ounces (60g) per pound (500g) of ground beef.

5. Mashed canned beans

Mashed canned beans. Up to 1 part beans per 4 parts meat.

6. Cooked couscous, bulgur or barley.

7. Cottage cheese

Up to 1 part cottage cheese per 4 parts meat.

8. Grated apple

Up to 1 part apple per 4 parts meat. A good candidate to complement ground pork.

9. Grated potato

Up to 1 part potato per 3 parts meat.

10. Other grated vegetables can moisten lean ground beef

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